Protection of rights

Bled Water Festival Institute, Grajska cesta 45, 4260 Bled, owns and maintains the website
Website means any site within the address

A site user is any person who visits any website at

The purpose of the website is to inform the general public about activities of Bled Water Festival Institute. As a visitor to our site, please follow the terms and conditions below. By visiting the site, you acknowledge that you agree to the terms and conditions below and accept them in its entirety.


All content published on the site is solely owned by the site owner and is copyright protected by applicable laws. In addition to text and data, the entire graphic image of the site with all graphic elements is also considered to be content.

Limitation of liability

Bled Water Festival is not responsible for the use of nor for any damage caused by the use of content from this site. The owner is not responsible for the accuracy of the content on the site, nor for any loss or damage arising from the use of such content. The user uses all content and services at at own risk. For content provided by users to the website, the site owner is not responsible and reserves the right to remove them in case of inappropriate use. At the same time, the owner reserves the right to modify and / or discontinue the content of the Site at any time without prior notice to users and shall not be liable for the consequences of the changes so caused.

Limited right to use content

The user may use the information or content of the websites at of Bled Water Festival only for personal and non-commercial purposes and to the extent permitted by the website owner. Copyrights should not be infringed. Content must not be copied, reproduced or otherwise distributed without the written permission of the website owner. Content authors are not responsible for any adverse effects of use. Any other use or distribution of such web content or their work is not permitted. Any transmission of original or derived data to third parties or the publication in other places is expressly prohibited.

Data protection

In connection with the user’s access to the website, the site owner on the server monitors data that could be used for identification (the computer’s IP address, date, time, and visited pages). These data can be used anonymously for statistical purposes.

Personal data entered by the user in the awards application and registration for participation at the Festival:

The Bled Water Festival Institute collects and stores the data only and exclusively for the purpose of reviewing and awarding prizes and registration of participation in the event on 13 and 14 June 2019. In case of receiving an individual award Responsible towards Water, the personal data of the winner will be published at the award ceremony and on the website.
The user assumes sole responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy and promptness of personal information and contact information provided to the owner of the site.

The website owner will dispose of the user information collected on and other registered domains in accordance with the applicable law. The data collected will be carefully guarded and will not in any way be transmitted to third parties or used for any other purpose.


The website uses cookies in order to provide users with a smooth, user-friendly experience. By continuing to use this site, the user agrees to the cookies policy of this website, which is specified below.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files in which the data about a visit to a site is recorded.
The interaction between web users and the website is quicker and easier with the help of cookies. With their help, the website remembers the individual’s preferences in experiences, thus saving time, and making browsing the web pages more effective and pleasant.

The are many reasons for the use of cookies, first of all, their ability to store information about the status of individual websites (language selection, number of results displayed, font size, etc.), they help with implementing of online services (registration, content of the shopping cart, login to e-news , videos, etc.) and help to gather information about the habits of online users (number of visits, interesting content, etc.) to improve your user experience and assess the effectiveness of the website.

Any cookies we use on our websites are not collecting data by which the user can be personally recognized.

In order to be fully disclosed with you, we have prepared a list of all the cookies we use and why we use them. Please keep in mind that using this website, you agree to our described cookies.


What cookies does this site use?

Urgently needed cookies
Cookies that help us display content properly enable the performance of forms, baskets and other essential elements of the website.
These cookies are active only during the session.
Example of used cookies: ASP.NET_SessionId

Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a web analytics service. It show us information about user behaviour on our website and help us create a better user experience, display relevant content, etc. We cannot personally identify any user when reading this information.
The lifespan of these cookies is up to 2 years.
An example of the used cookies: _ga, __utma, __utmb, __ utmc, __utmz in __utmv.

Google Maps
We use Google’s related cookie maps to show user-friendly maps in location tags.
The lifespan of these cookies is up to 10 years.
Examples of used cookies: SID, SAPISID, APISID, SSID, HSID, NID, PREF uses the following cookies:

  • _gat, _ga v _gid, which are from Google Analytics,
  • avcn-hide_noti …, which is from our notice for cookies and
  • pll_language, which is the choice of the language of the website.


How can users manage or delete cookies?

The site owner will in no way use cookies to collect user-identifiable information, but if necessary, the user may change the settings for using cookies in the browser on his or her computer or mobile device.

Most modern browsers allow the user to accept or reject all cookies, accept or reject only certain types of cookies, or set a warning that the page wants to store a cookie on his device. You can also delete the cookies your browser saved on your device.

Users are reminded that if cookies are turned off, all functionality of the web pages will not work equally effectively, a warning about the use of cookies will be displayed at each visit, and in the long run it will have a negative impact on your user experience.

The process of changing cookie settings differs in each browser. You can find information about this using “Help”, visit, which reveals the process in all modern browsers.

Google Analytics cookies in DoubleClick can also be disabled by using the instructions available through the links below:
Google Analytics:
Double click:        

Comments and reports of violations

Send us any comments and reports of violations to our e-mail address:

Bled Water Festival

May 2019